
Call for Men and Women to Take Ownership and Take Control of Their Own Lives – Camille Paglia

(Full talk below)

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– Men also need to create men centres to be free to do what they want in their centre. No beating down of mean to suit what feminists what them to be.

– Civilisations protection and conveniences are because of men. Men are doing all the hardest and dirtiest work in societies. Ice storms in North East to deal with live wires. Great vats of tar in the heat of summer to put on the roof. Sewage breaks, men are up to their knees. While people are trying to keep these working class men invisible.

– Recover a sense of who men are.

– Not feel obliged to fit any checklist by Gloria Steinem and company.

– It’s up to women to understand the dangers of the world. Not expect the world to be an extension of their protected comfortable middle-class living room. (Paras note: Reminds me of a graphic that didn’t feel right to me about how she could roam where she wanted knowing that she was protected from the wolves. First of all who are these wolves and will I get the same protection when I have to encounter the wolves? Why do I even want to go anywhere any time?)

– Women whose voices are not strong enough need to be loud and confront what is happening. If it’s demeaning you speak out immediately and in their face.

– You have a responsibility to protect your own dignity everyday.

– Her friends fought for the FREEDOM to risk rape as the college had different door times for men and women. Remember FREEDOM is the value you’re fighting for.

– Young women today are wanting parent figures back. Wanting oversight and all these committees when something goes wrong on a date. It’s infantalising and women have to stop it.

– Women have to govern their own relationship with men or anyone else. It’s the only way for them to be totally free and totally equal.

– Women are well launched now so they need to stop the sex war. Constant put downs of men.

– Upper middle class women are very unhappy.

– Feminists need to stop blaming men. For 1000s of years women had their own world and sexes didn’t have much to do with each others worlds. Now they’re working side by side together which has never happened before. So there there should be acceptance of a certain amount of tension.

– Feminists have this delusion that if they can suppress men enough, women will be happy. But it’s what women have lost is the bond they had in their own private sphere. A huge tribal experience. Women are feeling loneliness and isolation and disconnection but it’s not mens fault. Women suddenly felt the joy of being with each other again in these feminist movements. Women were laughing and doing chores together back in the day.

– So it’s a matter of sense of identity.

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