
Doug McGuff “Body By Science”

Summary of videos below:
– Even through we are not grounded in scientific fact when it comes to exercise so we stick to what we think is the way.

– The swimmers body happens not because you start swimming. The swimmers already possess the particular type of body that makes them optimal swimmers. By the quarter finals the participants bodies start looking the same as the other body shapes lose out.

– Women do yoga and Pilates because Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow do it.

– Health is the absence of disease and a healthy balance between an anabolic and catabolic state. Catabolic state is when the body is fasted or going through that by exertion. Anabolic state is when you’re in positive nutrient balance and storage and resting. Lot of issues because society has been more in anabolic states. Click here for more on the best weight loss formula.

– Fitness is the gap between the least you can do vs. the most you can do. If there is no gap you are dead so you need to find ways to extend that ‘physiologic headroom’.

– Exercise is a stimulus that your body will act and respond to. The stimulus has to be high enough depending on your goals. HIIT once in a while is equally as effective as doing steady state cardio 45 minutes daily.

– By controlling your stimulus very slowly but intensely you are fatiguing muscle but minimising injury as opposed to the long term wear of steady state cardio or other methods.

– When you stimulus is so high even if it’s a slow exercise, it’s still making great demands on the body. Not only to the cells but all metabolic cycles. Recovery may be between 3 to 10 days.

– 5 big compound movements and simple ones. Once you learn them you can use the techniques to others. Instead of lifting more weight as it gets lighter you can reduce the weight.

– Even if you don’t do this workout, whatever exercise you do, JUST LIFT WEIGHTS because that is where the goldmine is.

– Message of the book is: Lift weights, do it slowly and smoothly, do it ferociously hard. If you do this your workout will last 12-15 minutes.

– Engage your entire metabolism. It’s become such a fad when someone says cardio everyone knows what they mean. The effect of steady state cardio has such little effect that it’s better to do HIIT or weights.

– Doug breaks down mitochondria and other cell, blood system and heart explanations. More scientific terms. Which is why you feel so crappy after a cardio workout as opposed to others. Explains lactic acid build up and why fat, energy and other aspects are disconnected with the wrong exercise.

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Workout Example – Doug McGuff MD. Instructs an Intense Workout

Summary below the videos.

Part 1

Part 2 – Health & Fitness

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Part 3 – The Workout

Part 4 – Global Metabolic Conditioning

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