
Bristol at the Thermomixers October 2010

Bristol at the Thermomixers October 2010

Pics on http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=556996&id=815555493&page=6

Friday – Gym. Pack. Tube. Get to Sag’s and Poonam tells me about this Buddha boy… youtube it and … it’s crazy in a nice way I guess. Nish picks us. I sleep most of the time in the car and finish quite a bit of the chocolate fingers. OKAY all of the white ones! Get to Bristol and have dinner with Simi and Mathieu (spelling). Excellent stuff… like Simi said the soup tasted like clouds. And it’s all made in this Thermomixer machine… that not only mixes, it cooks, and does this and that and so much more. Talks about those scientists that killed themselves when the comet was passing and pyramids, etc.

Saturday – Man I’ve not farted like that in ages… and Sag and Poonam were sharing the room… hehehehe! Thought I’d post my daily song and realise the keyboard is now QWERTY and as a touch-typer that becomes a mission. Have waffles for brekkie before we go over to Bath. Check out the Roman Baths… it was great to see but got tired of having this machine next to my ear telling me history and press this to know this and … I don’t like phones and this was basically a phone that I couldn’t talk back at. Well I did anyway. Simi is into photography so she was going for it. Something about photography posters???? Can’t remember. Get a migraine so run to the pharmacy to get the meds and I usually get Migraleve that makes me feel kinda tipsy afterwards but I see there is a new one. So I tell the girl to hook me up. She’s like these are prescription only… I was like I’m dying here just give me anything then… she’s like hell with it. I buy a pack for about 7 quid… open the pack and … WTF! Only 2 capsules… and after that I felt even worse. I had to get some food in me! Hmmm… In my notes I’ve typed ‘make pizza dough’ like I helped at all. We were busy watching X-Factor. Another great meal… artichokes, asparagus, I was veg so didn’t really focus on the meat but wow and gaaad dayum! Play games, more X-Factor. I don’t know what you call it but I love this game where someone sticks a famous persons name on your forehead and have to guess who it is.

Sunday – I think my farts overheated the room? Takeshi’s Castle… love it! Help with the chopping and prep for BBQ. Place the forehead game. BBQ. Were sooooo damn stuffed! Piss Poonam off. Something about animal? Oh yeah the fence… Nish spotted animal faces from the tree fingerprints. Goodbye’s. Big up Nish for taking us, Big up Thermomixers for having us and being the best hosts ever!

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