
Osho Rajneesh – The Art of Living 3

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People who are not enjoying their life in the present have a lust for the future. They say we cannot enjoy today so we’ll enjoy tomorrow. Right this moment we cannot celebrate so let there be a tomorrow. Future arises out of your misery. A really celebrating person has no future. He lives this moment, lives it totally. Out of living this moment arises the next moment. Not out of lust. It has more capacity to bless you, it becomes more and more richer. A moment comes when moment is so total that time completely disappears. Time is a creation of misery. IF you are happy there is no time. See it from another dimension… have you observed when you’re in misery time moves very slowly. Someone is dying and you’re sitting by them. Whole night… that night seems like an eternity. The clock moves very very slow. In misery time moves very slow. When you’re with your beloved your cherished… time goes fast. The whole night has passed and it seems it has only been a few moments. Because the clock on the wall moves on its own, but your interpretation differs. In bliss time disappears.

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Christianity says when you’re thrown into hell… the hell is going to be eternal, never ending. Bertrand Russell wrote a book that why is he not a christian. He gave lots of reason… this is one. That whatsoever sins I’ve counted, that it is impossible to think that eternal punishment can be just. I may have counted many sins for 50 years or 1000 lives… but eternal punishment cannot be just. It seems to be unjust. And Christianity believes in only one life. How can a life of 60-70 years that he becomes capable to be punished for eternity. But he misses the point. Hell is eternal because it is the greatest misery. Time moves not. It appears as it is eternal. If in bliss… time disappears, then in the deepest misery which is hell… time continues so slowly as if not moving at all. A single moment of hell is eternal. It’s so simply… time depends on the mind. You are a misery … there is time. You’re happy there is no time.

The lust for life is lust for more time. It shows whatever I’ve gained is not enough. Give me more time. Give me more life, future, space to move… my desires are unfulfilled. I’m not contented and time is flowing fast. This is the meaning for lust of life… for more time. Life means more time in the future. What do you mean by death… no future. If death comes, time ends. That is why you are afraid. Live life to it’s totality. Enjoy it to the deepest possibility. Allow it to happen. Then there will be no lust. Be more sensitive, alive, aware. In fact a man that is satiated with life … death looks like rest. He’s not afraid of it. He welcomes it. The whole day you worked… now you prepare to go to rest. There are people who are afraid of night. There was a man who could not sleep because he is resting the whole day. He is right. Only poor people walk on their legs. Only poor people do things. A time will come that people will be so rich that they will not need to love… they send their servants to love. In fact a rich man should not love, why bother. Thats what rich man are doing. Servants have to live the life. When you rest the whole day how can you sleep in the night… a need is not created.

A man works the whole day… by the evening he is ready to fall into oblivion. The same happens … if you have lived a true life… death is rest. Evening comes, night falls, and you are ready. You lie down and wait. When you lived right you don’t ask for more. More than you can ask is already there. Already been given to you. If you live every moment to it’s total intensity you are always ready to die. Even the morning bath you could not take well because you had to come to listen to me. You missed it. You move according to the future and you go on missing. And if this missing becomes a habit the you will miss my talk also because you are the same man who missed the bath, tea… incomplete. It’s still buzzing like bees around you. You are listening to me but you are getting ready to go to the shop, market, office. You sit here but your mind has moved to the future. You have to complete many things… how can you die then.

Remember this. Patanjali, Buddha, Jesus. They are not against life… they are for life but not for lust for life.

Osho – The Art of Living 1 | Osho – The Art of Living 2 | Osho – The Art of Living 3
Osho – The Art of Living 4 | Osho – The Art of Living 5 | Osho – The Art of Living 6
Osho – The Art of Living 7

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