
Osho Rajneesh – The Art of Living 2

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Life is not a problem. It’s a mystery to be lived no a problem to be solved. But it becomes a problem because you go on postponing things. For tomorrow that which can be done and should be done today. Can’t be done tomorrow. Would have been a beautiful phenomenon today. Tomorrow it will become a very cold and hard problem to be solved. Living here and now is not a problem. And it goes on piling up and so much gathers around you that you become paralysed, crippled. Even a genius a prize winner, great intellectual world known behaves in a childish way. If he finds his slippers are not there in the morning he is angered/irritated. If he could pay attention to the anger he would laugh… this is so foolish. He goes to the bath in a bad mood, starts shaving but almost unconscious that a problem has not been dealt. Which has been growing all the time. Everything alive is growing. Anger is alive, grows, never remains the same. It’s gathering momentum and force. He’s still irritated, not enjoying the freshness, beauty. Unconscious, the razor slips, falls to the floor. Now he’s even more angry. If he can deal with it now he’s laugh. A razor is not a being, it’s not responsible for anything. His hands are moving more foolishly. His razor slips again and hits his nice mirror and it breaks. He’s no more sane. Comes out angry, slams the door, slaps the child, etc. Just for a small nothing. Slippers. Now our so called genius takes his car to go to work but there is an accident and traffic. He drives like a maniac, anger goes to the feet to press the accelerator. He’s a drunkard, drunk on his anger. (Paras note: That was sooo me!) Now he’s in a hospital. He will never be able to relate the whole thing. The story can go on. The whole family disturbed, just for slippers… divorce (laughter). Deal with things moment to moment… don’t let it pile up, accumulate.

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Life is extremely beautiful. It’s not a problem for the trees, birds, earth, sky. It’s only problem for men because men has learnt a trick … of postponement. Then a moment comes that you can’t cope. It becomes to big you can cope. Always caring the burden on your head. How can you enjoy, celebrate, dance. Then someone says there is god. You hear it but you can’t believe. Maybe there is a devil but not a god. You would like to end it. It’s rare to find a man that has not contemplated suicide. That life is so unliveable, rather than being more in it you’d rather be a drop out. How can you love god, pray. Prayer comes out of gratitude. A life lived well becomes a life of prayer. Nothing to do with temples, churches and mosques. Moment to moment, aware and alert. Becomes a prayer. And prayer becomes a meditation and then you don’t even pray because words disturb. Your prayer is silent… it’s meditation. So to understand that existence is beautiful you have to live a different type of life. Not of postponement. This is moment to moment. Past – It is no more there it’s already flown away. You are unnecessarily disturbed by a ghost. Don’t burden yourself with the future. When it comes you’ll be there to meet it. Why plan right now? Because the way you plan is never going to happen. Your planning is bound to be a greater problem. Your plan you want to impose on existence. Existence is not to follow you, you can follow it and feel graceful. You don’t know the whole, you don’t know the desire, destiny of the whole. They are bound to be broken and your heart is broken. Drop the past. And don’t bring the future in. This moment is all. Live it alert and small things will be dealt and it will grow. No great problems. Lao Tzu says there are no great problems for great men. There are always handled when they are small. Within his hands, something can be done. And when you do that you are always fresh. Dept never collects on your being. Next moment you slip as a virgin. Like a snake leaves it’s old skin. Then life is a mystery to be lived and lived totally. ANd you feel grateful. A blessing.

Let me tell you few examples. Archmedeas was trying to solve a scientific problem. Did his best. And he was the first to tackle this problem. There is not history, nothing of the past. He worked hard, became tense. What can you do when you can’t solve? One day in his bath relaxed, he dropped the idea of solution. Suddenly it’s solved. He becomes so ecstatic that he forgot he was naked. He rose to his feet crying eureka! Meaning I have found it! The whole town thought he has gone mad. When the king asked how… he says by non-doing. I had dropped all activity. When you relax you become one with the whole. You are no more with the ego, with the individual… you are with the whole. When you are tense you become individual. A concentrated ego. Ego is too small to solve anything. When ego is not there relaxing … suddenly it happens. It happened to Buddha. For 6 years he was doing and doing too much. Nobody has been in search as deeply as him… doing whatever he could. Going to teachers, teachers became helpless. He did everything perfectly but did not achieve… did better than his own masters. They said forgive us… we can’t help you and it’s not happening. You find another teacher. He was fed up teachers, systems, techniques. He did it own his on. Still nothing. 6 years! Then one day while passing the river he had become so weak because of a long fast. He couldn’t cross the river. The river is not big but he was really weak, he remained cling to the root. He started thing what have I been doing… I’ve simply destroyed myself. The world is finished that I left behind and this moksha, salvation … I drop it too. That very tension became the barrier. Both of these guys felt and upsurge of energy. When there is no greed, desire… this moment is enough. The ego disappears. Relaxed under the bhodhi tree. That night he slept perfectly well. For the first night he slept without dreams. Because dreams are part of desires. The day dreaming continues. Thousands of desires unfulfilled. They create some consolation for the mind. But when you don’t desire… dreams disappear. For the first time you sleep. You disappear into the whole. Early in the morning he woke fresh as a newly born child. No mind to look. No desire. That moment was eternity because when you desire you are always moving into the future. That time Buddha became like a flower. A bird sings here and now. A man things always somewhere else. A man is never where he is. Physically he was there, mentally, spiritually he was there. Thats why that tree became the tree of enlightenment.

So when people asked him how… he said when I stopped. Stopped seeking, dropped everything. Sometimes you may have observed … not Buddha like but you try to remember a name. It’s just on the tip of the tongue. And it is not coming and you feel suffocated and tense. What can you do… the more you try the more it seems impossible. Then you drop, you take a cigarette, you go for a walk. You engaged yourself somewhere else. Do something to forget about it and it pops… there it is. That is a tiny example. If you know this then you know what it means. There are things you cannot attain by action. This is the criterion if you can attain something by action… it belongs to this world. To the world of matter. And anything of the spirit cannot be attained by action. Through inaction. In the world of being. Being, doing is not needed. There you flower the greatest height. No effort is needed. Says a Zen master… sitting quietly doing nothing is the only way to do something. The grass grows by itself. They grow by themselves, you simply sit by the side. Once you realise this… a new dimension has opened for you.

Osho – The Art of Living 1 | Osho – The Art of Living 2 | Osho – The Art of Living 3
Osho – The Art of Living 4 | Osho – The Art of Living 5 | Osho – The Art of Living 6
Osho – The Art of Living 7

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