
Correct Desk, PC & Office Ergonomics – Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

For PC-Users – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome … from Kumar and Vishal
Correct Postures
Here are some correct postures which should be used while using a computer to reduce stress and other ill effects.

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Please take good care of your wrist while using the keyboard and mouse of your computer.

Long term repetitive action stress can lead to Carpal Tunnel.
You could end up going under a surgery that looks like this:

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Manual therapy
Exercises for relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

While you are receiving treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome regular exercise sessions can help your rapid recovery. We have included some photos and explanations of recommended exercises.

The following exercises may be prescribed by your healthcare provider in conjunction with Low Level Laser therapy. In the photos you will see below, the right wrist is the one being exercised. If your left wrist is affected, do the same exercises with the left hand.

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When doing each of these exercises, the hand should be flexed until a sensation of stretching is felt in the arm. The position should be held for 10 to 15 seconds for each of 10 repetitions. Try to this set of exercises three times a day.

Exercises 1 and 2 flex and extend the hand and stretch the wrist. Bend the hand as shown in the photos and apply moderate pressure to it with the other hand.

Exercise 1 – Wrist Flexion Bend the hand being exercised backward ( palm away from you ), as shown in the photos. With the fingers of the other hand, apply pressure.
(Click on photo for larger view)

Exercise 2 – Wrist Extension Bend the hand being exercised forward ( palm toward you ), as shown in the photos. With the fingers of the other hand, apply pressure.

Exercises 3 and 4 are similar to 1 and 2 except that an object, such as a pad provides the resistance to the hand, instead of your other hand.

Exercise 3 – Wrist Flexion against surface With your arm held vertically, press your hand, palm down, on a firm surface, as shown in the photo.

Exercise 4 – Wrist Extension against surface With your arm held vertically, press your hand, palm up, on a firm surface, as shown in the photo.

Exercises 5 and 6 involve the side to side range of motion of the hand.

Exercise 5 – (Radial Deviation) Place your hand palm downward. Grasp the fingers of the hand to be exercised with your other hand (as shown in the photo) and twist the hand toward you. Keep the hand horizontal.

Exercise 6 – (Ulnar Deviation) Place your hand palm downward. Grasp the fingers of the hand to be exercised with your other hand (as shown in the photo) and twist the hand away from you. Keep the hand horizontal.


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