
The Divine Scriptures by Pavan Sharma M.A.

Note to reader: I’m getting a lot of interest in the book and my father spent months on this book with Mr. Sharma. I’m trying to look for the original copy so please bare with me as lots of people are asking where to buy it. In the mean time please message in the comments below what format you would like as in hardcopy or ebook or audiobook.

Typeset by Mukund Arts/Mukund Thakrar (aka my father!). Extra mega props to Pops because this stuff was intense and sometimes so hard to read like I’d keep falling asleep. Nearly all the Hindu scriptures in one book man! Since it’s scriptures I can’t review them but I did make a few points.

– There used to be veds called Dhanur Ved which was knowledge about war and was so powerful it had to be destroyed.
– One of the veds say it’s cool to eat meat only if as a last option like if you’re living in the poles and can’t find or grow fruits and roots. ORRRR when you do eat meat it should be like for reasons e.g. snake meat for eyes, lion meat for the heart, etc.
– One of the veds actually includes the 10 Commandments and maybe one or two stray from the Bible’s version but imagine that… even the commandments were there before Christianity.

The Titles and Order of The Hindu Scriputres
01 Rig Ved

02 Yajur Ved

03 Sam Ved

04 Atharv Ved

05 Brahm Puran

06 Kurm Puran

07 Ling Puran

08 Narad Puran

09 Markanday Puran

10 Brahm-Vaivart Puran

11 Shrimad Bhagvat Puran

12 Shiv Puran

13 Garud Puran

14 Ramayan (Click here for Ramayan Symoblism from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar or here for Shree Ram Blissful Ramayana by Sandeep Raval (with Hindi and English Lyrics))

15 Hanuman Chalisa (Click here for My 4 fav Hanuman Chalisas with Lyrics and English Translation (Includes very funny Legend of Ram) or here for Hanuman chalisa and NASA)

16 Mahabharat (Click here for Mahabharat Symbolism)

17 Vishnu Sahasr-Nam

18 Ish Upanishad

19 Chhandogya Upanishad

20 Shvetashvatar Upanishad

21 Brihad-Aranyak Upanishad

22 Kath Upanishad

23 Taittriya Upanishad

24 Ken Upanishad

25 Prashn Upanishad

26 Mundak Upanishad

27 Aitreya Upanishad

28 Mandukya Upanishad

29 Bhagvad Gita

30 Brihat Shanti Stotr

31 Patanjli’s Yog-Sutr (Click here for Patanjali Yoga Sutras – Summary of Commentary by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar or here for The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda)

32 Congregational Prayer

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Narada’s Bhakti Sutras – Aphorisms on Love/Devotion (Full English Translation & Summary from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Talks)
Shiva Sutras Commentary by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Includes full text in Sanskrit & English Translation)
Secrets of the Five Pranas

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