
Pranayama – It’s Philosophy & Practice by Swami Ramdev

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Prana means life in the form of breath so Pranayama means the control or regulation of breathing. Basically the book goes into how there are different types of breath for all sorts of remedies or benefits and shlack. Then come bandhas which is where you lock in or lock out the air and again theres a few different styles for that. Mostly the kind of stuff we teach in Art of Living. Thing is it goes into breathing, then asanas (yoga postures), the layers of the body, meditation, opening chakras and awakening the Kundalini, etc… and they’re all connected in a way so it’s better you just read the book because it has a whole load of info. And even thought it’s not the best presented book, it’s still an excellent read for those interested. Lost my train of thought so thats it.

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– Introduction (‘Coloured’ Pictures, Editorial, Preface)

– Why This Book

– Meaning of Prana and it’s Importance

– Kinds of Prana

– Fivefold Body

– Controlling the Prana

– Importance of Pranayama and its Benefits

– Some Rules for Pranayama

– Three Bandhas (Lockings Useful in Pranayama)

– Sitting Postures for Pranayama

– Seven Kinds of Pranayama

– Pranayama Use for in Curing Diseases

– Energy Centers (Chakras of the Body)

– Kundalini Shakti

– Awakening of Kundalini or Purification of Chakras

– Ways and Means of Awakening Kundalini

– Some Guidelines of Meditation

– The Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening

– An Introduction – Divya Yog Mandir Trust

– Public Service Organisations run by the Trust

– Glossary

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