After research on lord knows how many books dude compiled this books. Each chapter breaks certain things down for you. Starts with sects and cults that appear out of nowhere when needed and cannot be found once their job is done. Who are they? Every era has them, some call them Magi some call themselves the Mysteries, etc.
These people had the power of knowing everything, being capable of everything. Hell there’s one chapter, which talks about somehow putting the Llama’s life kinda on pause and sending them into space. So the body is kinda frozen but the consciousness sees it all and comes back with reports etc. OKAY. Oh and as for the main bit… Shambala.
Once again through out history there are reports of these people and where they come from. Most records show that Shambala (a heaven on earth) is somewhere in the Gobi desert. Oh and here also they talk about Jesus’ ‘missing years’. Where was he? Records show he was around there, Tibet and India getting the training to be one of the Godlike folks that come from Shambala.
And that’s what they do when they sense or know of a person ‘in touch’, they train him more to help complete his objective. Apparently you cannot enter Shambala if you’re an ‘impure’ person. The land itself starts to confuse you. Everything keeps shifting and shlack.
It goes way deeper into instruments of gods and stones that keep you alive and these Shambalan’s presence during important times in history (even in America) etc. Goes even deeper with the records and adding it all up etc.
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