
What Rich People Know & Desperately Want to Keep a Secret by Brian Sher

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The title made me think the subject may be stuff other than business. Well… it’s all about business! Most of the stuff I’d been trying to hint to my old company. The most important, I think, is the systems. Once you have a good system in place you don’t even need intelligent people to do anything… JUST FOLLOW THE SYSTEM! That’s how most of these franchises are raking it in innit. This book comes very close to being a bible for business. Some things will be things you know or obvious, while others will make you wonder why you didn’t see it like that before. All put together in simple comprehensive text with examples when it gets complex. Now the contents may make the book seem huge but it’s not, the contents had subcontents too.

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Part 1 – The Basics of Success
1. What are riches, and what do rich people do?
2. Your first step on the road to riches.
3. Why more businesses fail than ever succeed.
4. Four critical advantages your competitors can never have.

Part 2 – You
1. The starting point of all riches.
2. There is only one short cut to success – get educated.
3. Dream big dreams.
4. Be unique or be nothing at all.
5. Ask for help – you’ll be surprised at what will happen.
6. Is your name Poor Jack or Rich Michael?
7. How to get everything you want in life.
8. You need something far more valuable than money before you get rich.
9. Passion is the secret weapon of the rich.
10. Rich people feel alive and exhilarated because of risk.
11. Take responsibility and take charge.
12. The rich are the biggest failures.
13. Move fast or get out of the way.
14. Always, always be self-employed.

Part 3 – Your Marketing
1. The machine that drives your business.
2. What is marketing really?
3. The number one reason why most people never get rich.
4. The death of market share.
5. Make it easy for customers to buy.
6. Advertising can kill your business.
7. Fifty percent of something is better than 100 per cent of nothing.
8. What’s the magic button for business success?

Part 4 – Your People
1. How to get your employees to fall in love with your company.
2. How to hire the right people.
3. Get good people, then hold on like hell!
4. Always use all your resources, including your entire brain pool.
5. If two people think the same – one’s redundant.

Part 5 – Your Systems
1. Why systems are so important.
2. Making the complex seem easy – and how to sell your business quickly, easily and at a huge profit.
3. Leverage: a word that makes people millionaires.
4. Focus on money-making activities and delegate to others.
5. Problems will happen – but only once.
6. Measuring performance: it’s not nice – it’s critical.
7. Are you gambling your profits away?
8. Everyone should know your business.
9. Acres of diamonds – look under your feet first.

Part 6 – Things To Remember
1. Growing too quickly could mean getting too big for your boots.
2. ‘Trust’ can be a four-letter word.
3. You don’t have to go it alone.
4. You cannot create successful people.

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