
Creativity – Unleashing the Forces Within by Osho Rajneesh

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I already had an idea of most of the stuff he discusses and it’s really good, I especially loved his controversial attitude. Religious fanatics will not be too please, neither would intellectuals, scientists, monks, says teachers are really torturers… hell he even disses folks like Picasso so be warned. But he does explain it all very well.

The bits I learnt from this read were how violence is in the hand and mouth (eating) and so applied to how I love food lol. Even chewing gum or smoking, how it has a violent foundation and also how smoking is a form of meditation/pranayam. Like you’re still breathing in and out right. AND ALSO how things like smoking go back to breast feeding, replacing the filter for a nipple and suckling… you get the point right?

Another thing I got out of this book was how places of education are making us think we know stuff because of degrees and all when really it’s making us more left brain oriented and destroying creativity which is why drugs will never disappear from these places and drugs do the opposite. How the real artists get fame after death so not to go after money and anyway fame comes easier through destruction e.g. Hitler etc.

All the degrees and Nobel prizes mean nothing, more of an insult if anything else. How animals are horizontal while we’re vertical only when we’re parallel to earth can we sleep and how Freud and psychologists use this on the couch. How eyes are male and need rest, ears are feminine and don’t need rest. I feel what he feels about dying and so many other things. Learn some skill with all intensity and then forget it. And finally the greatest thing this book gave me is regret.

For someone that does not know regret well I’m feeling it and really gonna enjoy it. It’s just a small regret about completing that poem for mom. He explains how incomplete ‘creation’ is most of the time complete because of the incompletion. So my regret is using inspiration from the Morning Rain spoken word poetry to complete that poem when I could have used it elsewhere.

– Preparing the Canvas: The Three C’s (Consciousness, compassion, creativity.), Relax in Action, Act in Harmony with Nature.

– Five Obstacles: Self-consciousness, Perfectionism, Intellect, Belief, The Fame Game.

– Four Keys: Become a Child Again, Be Ready to Learn, Find Nirvana in the Ordinary, Be a Dreamer.

– Four Questions: Memory and Imagination, Postpartum Depression, Creativity and Crossbreeding, The Art of Money.

– Creation: The Ultimate Creativity, the Meaning of Your Life.

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