
PARIS WITH KASUKU (3rd – 10th September)

3/9/08 Wednesday – ‘I can be an asshole too’. WHEN ARENT YOU ONE! Ironing, packing and sorting stuff till midnight. Forgotten note: I found Murad/Gimme my pag pack on facebook. Man in the first year we were tight. We also used to pretend we were lawyers and fight our cases for who should get Gita Verma (hot prefect) LMAO ah them times.

4/9/08 Thursday – More packing and sorting. Kasuku. Post. Eurostar to Paris. Arrive and there’s already a drunken brit outside the station. French guy kept asking where in England he was from… dude would be like… yeah that’s right England. Where in England… that bit. Where is that bit. On top over there. In England? That’s it! Lol French guy gave up. Crazy dreams! Soooo many and so… just… well some were not pleasing but they were too fascinating to let go of.

5/9/08 Friday – Setup the Kasuku stall. Very pleased with the colour combos and families we made. Dinner with Quram, Shiraz and Teresa at Pizza Pino. Very recommended. Neha and I felt bad for ordering booze coz Quram was fasting and foot the bill too! Note: Gotta try the burger next time. Teresa’s Joke: Guy goes into restaurant where they serve balls of the bull that the matador just defeated. Dude tries and likes it. Second time he goes in but this time the balls are really small and asks why that is. He’s told ‘sometimes the Matador loses the fight’. What else… oh yeah pass this show room of old to new cars. Then the Toyota showroom. Sag was dying to do the F1 thing last time we went so took pics for him. Now Alex had given me lots of Euro coins in Caterham and I needed to offload the small ones so give them to the Gipsy beggar lady and coz we were still hanging around there I caught a glimpse of her and she was bloody giving me daggers and pointing at her head suggesting I must be very stupid! Hey if you beg be grateful for the little you get! Ice-cream. Then we saw this dog that looked like both ends looked the same. The master must have met some friends on the street and dog just starts pissing on the newbies leg. ‘That’s my leg’! Line of silence

for Feys’ mom.

6/9/08 Saturday – More crazy dreams. Place coffee cup on the wrong side of the machine. Now at the show Neha was like there’s gonna be a lot of half naked models and I was like yeah but they’re gonna be skinny. Couldn’t help but look anyway. Ever seen a blonde skeleton in a bikini? Anyway I already saw my Dita von Teese girls at their corset stall so it’s all good (Velda and Diane). Wait for the train and this girl goes nuts coz she saw some random B-boy dude who was on a reality show the night before. I mean she went nuts and it was so funny. At times annoying but funny. Dinner with Deitmier and Simona. Seems like the asshole bosses are all over the place. I don’t know what bugs me out more though… their scummy behaviour or the people that just sit there taking it. Reminder: My man Daniel is the reason why I make a stand coz if I take it I could end up sitting in a small dark room sitting on a stack of newspapers staring at the basin.

7/9/08 Sunday – Lunch with Diane. She’s so… like this kinky princess. But her hair and make up and Velda’s dresses and the shoes! Gaaad dayum everything was in the right place, right colours, etc. Go back to their stall later to discuss Dita, clothes, photography… just the kinda aesthetics I’m into so that was my highlight. Oh and she told me about this Bob Carlos Clark dude, Dita was the last he photographed coz then he committed suicide. The picture itself has Dita holding knives and stuff. Drinks with Sergio. Note: Dude reminded me of Kunal so much I wanted to bully him like back how I used to in school. Then I found out he was 35! Gaaad dayum dude looked so innocent and young. Our Italian agent Silvio was like that too, had a scar kinda thing but very passive for an Italian, dude has a thing for Disneyland too. Over to the Eiffel Tower. Its blue now and has the Euro stars round it… don’t know… it’s good to the eye but as a landmark the stars tackyfy it. Dinner with Quram, Teresa and younger Quram at Charlot. Man the seafood we had with crabs, lobsters, prawns etc was crazy. All that effort with all the tools just for lil bits of meat… I made sure I appreciated that. Oh and Marlene was very hot with excellent eye makeup. Good we had Teresa there too coz she had the seafood gastronomy knowledge. After all that we were stuffed!

8/9/08 Monday – Sergio and I get into the music conversation and he’s a laptop dude like myself. Velda and Diane leave early. See at the show the folks with stalls are only allowed to leave after a certain time but somehow we managed it. As in they, I just helped with the bags. Now my knee was really feeling it. I think it’s mostly coz of just standing. Reminisce: La Contessa Modelling agency with Shorty. Man remember them times, I was reminiscing the steps like travel, full turn, half turn, paris. Still can’t remember what the paris step was. Shut up shop. We were racing with Sergio even though he had much less to pack his partner was kinda late with the taxi and stuff. Bye to Ed, Stella, Deitmier and Simona. Saying good bye to Simona was kinda dodgy coz Ed and Stella didn’t know we’d all gone for dinner. Oh well. Hotel and over to Yann’s. I couldn’t wait to talk music with Frank ;o) Yann’s place was wicked… he’s like it’s like a hotel for everyone, who knows who’s gonna stay there the night. But he’s like it’s perfect coz it’s bang in the middle of city. Neha and myself were like pffff with the 7 floors and only stairs but once me made it to the top… c’est bien! Chocolate ;o) wine… oh and the food!!! Yann’s girl Dorien (spelling) from Tunisia made the best dish… it was like a fluffy pizza thing with salmon and stuff. Yann sorted a tortilla thing. Oh and before that there was a big dish with bread and olive paste and … damn my mouths getting wet here. Dorien gave us 4 leaf clovers before she left. Man she looked like a young Alicia Keys. Cecil comes over, her and her dude climbed Kilimanjaro man! Anyway more good times and Yann drives us home. And what lovely sights in the city! Get home and Neha and I both feel so hungry lol. I’s like where’s those pizza flyers.

9/9/08 Tuesday – Brekkie, pack, train back. Drama at the property place outside the station. Home. Mails. Research on where I need to be next.

10/9/08 Wednesday – Don’t know if it’s the migraine pills or I’m just feeling so wicked even Poonam is like you don’t seem to be you. I mean I guess working in London kinda makes you forget how friendly the rest of the world is lol. But it’s not that bad… still wanna move away from the city now. The whole week it was either city life is getting too much, bosses are PUTAIN or folks moving towards self-improvement/fulfilment. Anyway, so back to gym routine. Note: Zero hits on Universal after like 1 year!

I See It Too

You let the mother funker kick you 5 times, they gone kick you 5 times,
You let em kick you 3 times, they gone kick you 3 times,
You let em kick you twice, they gone kick you twice,
You let em kick you once, they gone kick you once,
But if you break of the mother funking feet,
Aint gone be no more kicking going on, kid,
Aint no more kicking,
I learnt that…
Manifest/Outro – Fugees

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