You know our 5 fingers, all the 5 planets are there. Thumb indicates – victory (u win) right!! Who wins? One who fights… who fights? Commander in chief military (this is Mars) 2nd Finger (index finger) is Jupiter is Guru…its the indicator…when you want to show the way its like this… Throughout the world this is how the way is shown… This is Jupiter…what do you do with this? Pointer indicates. What does Guru do? He indicates/ points out. So that is Jupiter.
Saturn, one of the farthest planet is Saturn, the biggest, tall, Saturn is servant. You know servant has to good and well built, if the servant is weaker then master then how can he carry the luggage. Servants have to carry the luggage of the Master, king or anybody for which he has to be strong. Tall servant.
Then the king…where do u put your ring? Jewels, that is ring finger (this is sun) nobody puts ring here to the thumb, but where do they put the ring? In the ring finger…in fact we call it ring finger. King cannot stay alone but he needs servant along with him. So this is sun cannot stand alone.
The little one is the business one, its mercury. On one side of the Sun stands Mercury- businessman and on the other side is Saturn- servant.
And Jupiter. So all the planets are in the hand, its indicated when Jupiter and Mars are together meaning the power is together with wisdom in the commander in chief that is called chin mudra.
And when all the king, servant, business man all together its chinmay mudra its higher consciousness in society, cause when wisdom dominates its higher consciousness. And there is beauty, love and abundance. So whole story is in the fingers.
And children when they are born they put on this mudra, all the babies sleeps in chin mudra, they are so wise. Chinmay mudra. Carefree mind. Joyful mind is chinmay mudra, baby sleeps on that and when they start walking. They suck the thumb u know…is means …now no more in 4 legs… its now 2 legs and 2 arms… so the nature teaches us the whole yoga.
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