
Planet Earth is One Living Organism by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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The planet earth is one living organism. Earth which supports life itself has life. When an ant moves on your hand it thinks it is a rock, when it moves through the hair it is forest. An ants vision of you doesn’t give it an idea that you have life. Similarly only from a bigger scientific vision you will know that the earth is one living organism.

Our body is a precious one, but we know very little about it. Several neurons are being born and several others die every moment. Our intestine has 50,000 bacteria. Diarrhoea is like having flood for them, fever is like heat wave. They have no idea about you as some one with life. So life is amazing.

What is Art of Living? Understanding this life, who you are, how to take care of your body, mind and intellect, in short studying your own life is Art of Living.

How much of your activity is only reacting? Attending to these aspects of the mind and getting the strength from within is Art of Living. With Sudarshan Kriya natural killer cells increase 3 times which means your resistance increases 3 times.

Today health of the people is being robbed by the chemicals used by the farmers. Farmers spend more money on the fertilisers than what they get. This trend has to be reversed. In US land is vast and huge. Our country has 1/3 of the US land and 3 times its population.

Nature is sacred. If you have to cut a tree you have to ask its permission and promise to plant 5 more trees. Respect nature. Nature responds to you if you respect. If trees are grown they draw the cloud. Let us respect every bit of this earth, ocean, sun and moon.

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