
Mostly Basic Course in Caterham (7th – 20th August 2008)

MY JOURNAL (7th – 20th August)
Thursday – Kasuku. Learn a new trick at the printers.

Friday and Saturday – Landlady has been shouting more than usual. Mostly to look for the cat lol. Shopping after long couldn’t help it.

Sunday – Landlady comes upstairs to make noise with Paddy and the internet. I was disconnected somehow but luckily someone had their wifi on. Now weather was crap then turned sunny so thought I’d go for out for a bit… walking to the bus stop… in two minutes I was drenched and back to sunny!?!?!?! A line of silence for Bernie Mac. R.I.P.

Got hungry and all that was left at home was a quarter tub of Nutella. Fingered it clean.

Monday – A line of silence for Isaac Hayes. R.I.P.

Neha made chocolate pudding so I got to finger those bowls clean too.

Tuesday – Get the real chocolate pudding. Big up cous!

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Wednesday – Train to Caterham. Register for Part 1 course coz Yes+ got cancelled. I was feeling kinda bad for missing gym but took it back when Alex and I had to help everyone to their rooms going up and down in Caterham school. Which was very much like something out of Harry Potter. Love being early for seva stuff anyway. I’ll be sharing with the teens from Yes course. Part 1 started and it felt like it was dragging I guess coz I’ve done it 3 times already and they gotta spread an 18 hour course into a 5 day thing. Our teachers were David and Jeanette who make a wicked couple. Perfect balance. Get to the room and Frisbees and footballs were flying around. One of the teens was a boxer!

Thursday – Meditations. Walk with Andy and Aarthi. Kriya. Satsang in the Part 2 hall. Part 2 had to go into silence so have a jam session in the Common room with David and Jay on guitar and singing till Dev took over on tabla and singing. Dude has mad skills man. Did something to my finger and its pure gore!

Friday – Usual class stuff and satsang. Yes teens do their thing at the satsang. Common room was locked… I think coz we went nuts on the coffee machine. So chill in the registration room and one thing led to another… Ranjit taught us Salsa (wish come true). Then went on to Jive and garba and finally I introduce the Shuffle! Do our thing till the room had to be locked lol. So we go to my room and chitchat till the boys come back. Scared the hell out of them. Note: I love bring up the adoption topic coz it stirs up people. I guess at the end of the day I will want to have my own. So Yes teens cant sleep so Alex and Mukund have a mini jam session till ‘Jaws’nathan gets them to knock out. Gives me looks coz I was meant to mind them.

Saturday – Usual class stuff. Nice walk in the woods till we get to the viewpoint. David intros a song for us to perform at the satsang. Wicked stuff. ART Excel kids do the Chocolate Factory play and a lil satsang session. Yes teens do their thing and dance. We do our song and um… dance. Made Robin sob as his daughter wrote the song. We go nuts on chocolates. Note: My chocolate dealers were Soham and this other kids for ART Excel. Charades (another wish come true). Then it went on to more Indian songs, which I was kinda tired of so mess around with ART Excel kids. At about 2am the Yes teens returned. They were meant to do an all nighter in their course room since it was the last night but don’t know what happened. Anyway Alex taught me the 8 Mile guitar bit on the … GUITAR. (wishes coming true). They were told to sleep and Dev took over with the tabla again and I’d been there done that so I looked for my late night buddies. More chitchat, at one point we were talking about shits. Note: The pig story was still the best one. Oh don’t worry about cleaning it up just let the pigs in, they’ll eat it up.

Sunday – The 10 minute life story time is always the hardest for me. Coz I gotta go back to remembering and sharing the violent stuff. Anyway goodbyes were hard coz the course folks had become like family. We shared so much. And also the Yes teens as my roomies and ART Excel kids as my chocolate hunters. Note: With the kids we mostly talked about farts and chocolates. ;o) Trains back to London. Forget yoga mat in the train coz I’s helping Beata with her luggage.

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Monday – Kasuku mailing and missions. Get home at 11.

Tuesday – Kasuku posting missions. The guy at the post office was wasting my lunchtime! Before typing any key he’d wiggle his fingers like some freaking magician or something!

Wednesday – Kasuku missions accomplished! Second finger got cut so more gore!

Caterham AOL summary: It was less strict than the ones I did before. I guess coz the satvic foodstuff was in the house. I can’t even begin to intro you to my Part 1 family. They were all gems. Though the late night rebels were Ajay, Andi, Aarthi, Rahki, Sangeeta and myself.

The song for my Part 1 family

Your home is in my heart, My heart is like the ocean,
I’ll rock you while you’re sleeping, On a wave of sweet devotion.
Your home is in my heart, And my heart is very strong,
When you’re feeling lonely, I’ll carry you along.
Your home is in my heart, My heart is everywhere,
Wherever you may wonder, Know that I am there.
My home is in your heart, Your heart is everywhere,
Wherever I may wonder, I know that you are there.
Krishnam Vandey Paramam Nanda Vandey.
I pray Lord Krishna, I pray the source of eternal joy.
Your Home Is In My Heart – Satsong

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