
Janmashtami – Krishna’s Birth by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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Janmashtami – Krishna’s Birth by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Part 1)
The story of Krishna’s birth is widely known. It is said that Krishna was born to Vasudeva and Devaki at midnight. He was born in a prison as Devaki’s brother, Kamsa had imprisoned them.

When Krishna was born, the gates of the prison flew open, the guards were asleep and Vasudeva was able to smuggle the baby Krishna out of prison. As Vasudeva crossed the Yamuna, which was in spate because of the heavy downpour, the waters rose up to Vasudeva’s nose. It is said that the baby Krishna’s foot came out of the basket and touched the river. At that time the waters receded and Vasudeva was able to cross over to Gokul to hand over the baby Krishna to Yashoda – the symbol of love.

The story seems so fantastic – which brother would imprison his own sister and kill his own nephews. How could all the gates open on their own, how could all the guards fall asleep. How did Vasudeva cross the river and why did the river recede after being touched by the foot of a baby? It all seems so illogical.

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However if we look at the Tatva behind the story, it encapsulates eternal truth. Vasudeva – signifies the breath, and Devaki – the body. When the breath and body unite – when yoga happens – that is when the divinity is born. However the breath and body on their own cannot sustain the bliss that comes out of their union. Hence the bliss has to be taken to Yashoda – the embodiment of love. It is love that can sustain the bliss of divinity.

Kamsa is the embodiment of ego – which imprisons the body and is afraid of losing itself at the hands of the divine consciousness. The gates are the five senses which help the ego to bind the body and mind. When divinity is born all these shackles fall off and the way is clear for the baby Krishna to be transported out of the prison.

Yamuna is the symbol of Bhakti or Kirtan. When Krishna is being taken across the river, Yamuna rises up in ecstasy. In Kirtan the Bhajans (Satsangs) rise in tempo and then reach a crescendo. At the end there is a feeling of ecstasy, when you feel the divinity has touched you. That is the feet of baby Krishna touching the river Yamuna.

The story of the birth of Krishna, which is celebrated on Gokulashtami, has another very beautiful significance. Krishna was born on the 8th day after the full moon. It signifies the beautiful co-existence of self-effort and grace. You have to come right up to the 8th day and then the divine takes over and then Krishna is born in you and the fullness shines. Krishna consciousness was fully blossomed and infinite. Krishna’s consciousness should remind each one of us about how vast and expansive and fully blossomed each one of us can become.

Another name for Krishna is ‘Nanda’ or ‘Ananda’ or joy. This comes only through being hollow and empty. What you carry in your hand indicates what is in your heart. If you carry a gun, you have fear in your heart, a flower in your hand indicates that you are like that flower, but Krishna carries a flute, which is hollow and empty. His posture is that of a dance… one foot on the ground and one in the air… and his life is like a dance. He is an embodiment of all divine. Even in the battlefield, he had the depth of awareness and gave knowledge to his friend… every aspect of Krishna leaves you in awe!

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Janmashtami and the spiritual significance of Lord Krishna’s birth (Part 2)

Janmashtami is the day when we celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna signifiesAnanda (bliss, pure happiness). We express any happiness by celebration. So Janmashtami is celebrating the birth of Bliss. It is the day when that (divine) joy became manifest. Actually, it is not right to use the word ‘birth’ here. Lord Krishna was never born. That (divine) joy was always present, but it is on this day that it became manifest and evident (in the form of Lord Krishna). So where should you look for Lord Krishna? Everywhere! Lord Krishna says – ‘One who sees Me everywhere, in everyone, and sees everyone in Me is truly intelligent’. Now, no one wants to be foolish in this world. Everyone wants to be intelligent. So, one who recognizes the Parmatma (Supreme soul or all-pervading one Consciousness) as that Anand-tattva (the element of Bliss) that is manifest throughout Creation is truly intelligent. Everything has emerged from that Anand-tattva. This is the special message of Janmashtami. What does one need for this? You need to be innocent at heart; you should have that child-like innocence. It is said – ‘Bhole bhaav miley Raghurai’ (One attains the Lord through the innocence and purity of feelings).

Lord Krishna’s birth from a spiritual point of viewDevaki (Lord Krishna’s mother) represents the physical body, while Vasudeva (Lord Krishna’s father) represents the Prana (the vital life-force). So when the Prana flows through the body, then Ananda (bliss, represented by Lord Krishna) is born. But at that time, the ego (represented by Kamsa, Lord Krishna’s maternal uncle and an evil King) wants to destroy the bliss. Where there is joy, there cannot be ego.  Lord Krishna is the symbol of love and joy. Love, happiness and naturalness are the greatest enemies of the ego. And what does Lord Krishna represent? He is the symbol of happiness, joy and being natural. He is the very source of bliss. This is why there is a war between ego and love, because ego melts and disappears when love dawns within. Kamsa represents the ego, and ego is born along with the birth of the body. Devaki (the body) is Kamsa’s sister. When Lord Krishna was born in the prison cell, all the prison guards fell asleep. When there is no happiness and joy (Lord Krishna), the body feels like a prison. So when love (Lord Krishna) was born in this prison (body), all the senses (symbolized by the prison guards) fell asleep. The five senses – the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin – are the guards of the body, and they always look outwards for joy. They are actually the guards of Kamsa (ego). So they fall asleep when one turns inwards towards the source of joy, the bliss that is born within (Lord Krishna). Now after being born, Lord Krishna had to be taken to another place for the sake of protection and safety (from Kamsa). So Lord Krishna went to Vrindavana after being born, to the house of Nanda and Devi Yashoda. So when you look deeper into these stories, you will be able to understand their greater spiritual meanings and values.

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