
Being on the Path Improves You by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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Are you special or ordinary? By being on the path what makes you special? Your perception, observation and expression have advanced. That which makes you ordinary by being on the path is that you are special. Everybody thinks they are very special in some way.

Your perception has improved. You see the cause behind every cause – the Divine, and you see the great plan behind every small plan. You do not see intentions behind other’s mistakes and you are not a doubting Thomas – the apostle who doubted Jesus.

Your observation has improved. Before getting onto the path you never observed your emotions. Now you observe your emotions, positive or negative, love or hate, anger or compassion, pain or pleasure.

Your expression has improved. In the central core of everyone there are all good qualities. In those who are unfortunate and stressed they have not expressed these great qualities, but you have given an expression to them.

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