So long as you have any desire to dominate other people, or to show them how powerful you are spiritually or in any other way, you will not find soul freedom. God-awareness begins in humbleness, love, and meditative bliss; but with the realization of God comes all power. If the little wave knew that behind it is the great ocean, it could say, “I am the ocean.” You should realize that just behind your consciousness is the Ocean of God.
When Jesus was being crucified he could have reduced his enemies to ashes with one look; but he didn’t do it. Instead, he forgave them. That is the divine nature: peace, love, humbleness, omnipresence, omniscience. He who becomes one with God has no need to prove to himself or to others the extent of the power he possesses. He knows within that he has all power at his command, and there is nothing to fear. But he uses his power only when God directs him to do so.
The accomplished yogi is awake in his infinite nature and asleep in his material nature.* You should attain this self-mastery. Don’t fool yourself, giving all your time to the world. Outwit the world and its lures: the best way to conserve your time and use it to greatest benefit is to put your whole mind on seeking God day and night, no matter what activities you engage in outwardly. [*”The seeming state of wakefulness of the ordinary man is perceived by a sage to be, in reality, a state of delusive sleep Bhagvad Gita II:69]
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The cow calmly grazing with its calf in the pasture does not show any sign of worry about the calf, but if you go near it the cow comes at you immediately. So is the yogi, outwardly busy with his work but inwardly keeping his attention always on the Lord.
Jesus said, “If thy hand offend thee, cut it off.”* He didn’t mean that you should maim your body, but rather that you should cut off enslaving sense attachments, which prevent you from finding God. Like an insistent child, constantly call to the Divine Mother until She says: “All right, what is it you want?” She is so busy with creation, She doesn’t reply at once; but to the naughty child who cries and cries for Her, She will come. [*Matthew 18:8]
The Divine Mother is most anxious to have you back with Her, but first you must prove to Her that you want Her alone. You must cry urgently and unceasingly; then She smiles and is with you instantly. Divine Sprit has no partiality; the Mother loves all. But Her devotees appreciate her love, respond to Her love. I see the effect on people who have gained a little human love, or a little money-how happy they are! But if they could see what strength, what joy, what love is in the Divine Mother, they would fly away from all else.