
The Creative Impulse from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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It is very important for us to probe into the source of thought. Often we are called great thinkers, but what is a thought? Where does it originate? Is there any way that we can improve the thought process?

Creativity is a hot subject today all over the world. We want to make people very creative. What are the mechanics to make people creative? Why does someone get a violent thought and why does someone get a creative thought? How can someone be a genius and someone not? What does this depend on? Is it the food, is it the exercise or does it depend on any other avenues or arenas?

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But, we can create great thinkers. There is a question in front of us today and research is happening around the world about the very process of creativity. Great writers and thinkers have experienced the writer’s block. You would have sometimes experienced that. You sit with a paper and pen in a beautiful place, waiting for something to come… and many times they don’t!

What is the source of creativity? Thought is nothing but an impulse of energy and intelligence. That impulse of energy and intelligence, for it to arise and a correct thought to come, you need 16 impulses to meet at a point in the cerebral cortex at the speed of 10 to the power of minus 30 cycles per second. In that short interval of time, all the 16 impulses in the cerebral cortex, when they meet, is what we call a correct thought. What do we do about it? We need to train our brain, our mind.

Now, as you are reading this, are you fully with it? Now? 100 percent? No! As you are reading, you are having a dialogue in your own mind saying, ”yes, I agree” or ”no, that cannot be”. Are you observing this? We all have a filter in our mind and we listen through this filter and we accept only that we already know. Something, which doesn’t already fall within our belief system, we straightaway filter them out. This tendency in the mind to take things, which it already knows, and reject that which it doesn’t know, is one of the main blocks of creativity.

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