
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Talks in Germany

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Cartoon Strip (Funny) – Talked about how a certain cartoon strip was taken so seriously. If it’s done more than once then of course there should be concern but otherwise it was just a joke. So many religious figures are joked about, how come this one caused so much drama? Here’s the funny bit, Argentina’s papers had a cartoon strip about Guruji where a judge was in court after AOL and he’s sentencing someone to (n) number of years in priso-ooooooom. Get it??

Mobile Phones – Talked about research which proved it’s safer to talk on the mobile on your left side as the wave seem to go more direct from the right.

25 Years – Talked about how phases are normally… first 25 years is dedicated to studies, learning and knowledge. Second 25 to pleasures and responsibilities. Third 25 to socializing and imparting knowledge and experience. And fourth 25 to something deep stuff. Can’t remember coz I was still stuck on the second 25 years of pleasure.

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Violence – Talked about reducing the violence the kids see from games to movies and stuff. Also talked about how one should not be hanged and didn’t say it but expressed his disappointment in people actually rejoicing in the hanging. What hanging you may ask. Definitely not the kind homies do. He meant the lynching kind.

Symbolism – Someone asked why Hindus have so many Gods or something and he’s like God has no form, the images are all states of mind e.g. Durga ma on a lion coz it signifies inactive power. The lion’s the king of the jungle but he’s lazy, the lioness gets the food. He’s like when the power is active there’s all these wars. Like an active lion going round killing when he’s not hungry kinda thing. That the goddess of knowledge is on a stone with book in one hand, instrument in another and something else in the others. Meaning music and studies and shlack is knowledge and its all got to have a steady foundation (the stone).

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