Full documentary below.
2 leopards were followed for 3 years in Zambia. Dudes have a special night cam and an infrared cam coz you hardly see leopards making kills in the day. First night the leopard finds some antelopes hanging around and man that night cam is something else. You can see the leopard going so steady and stealthy. One time he lifted his paw and didn’t put it down coz he didn’t find a quiet patch to put it on. Think that’s why it was a failed kill. Oh well.
The Bushmen there reconstruct the kill IN DETAIL. Kinda scary how they did that. Anyway so second night the leopard targets the baboons. First David was confused coz he saw the leopard behaving in a way that was giving himself away to the baboons but realized it was just to get them where leo wanted them. Finally he gets some pink butt baboon and its chow-time.
The puku fawn scene was too good, Leo is just like a few meters away and they don’t detect him coz its pitch black and he’s not in the wind but, alas, luck wont there. Now Leo’s leaving her scent for a male, waits for hours but seems like there’s no one to rock her boat so she gives up, although she keeps leaving her scent everywhere for 3 days and nights.
Over in Namibia they captured another Leo cub and tagged it. Their majority die of hunger trying to fend for themselves. 3 years later they find a surviving cub but the remains of the tagged Leo was nasty. Anyway so the cubs grown and imagine a Leo carrying an impala it’s own weight on a tree. Like climbing trees aint hard enough by itself. More cute cubs join in and drop the food while trying to eat the face. Crocodiles come and steal that so time for another kill. This time the impala was too heavy so it’s either eat fast or lose it to hyenas. Hyenas it is. Note: During the day baboons and hyenas are gangsta compared to leopards. Not good coz leopards are most vulnerable with the kill on the ground. One of them goes off and steals a morning snack and then the mother gets killed by a couple of lionesses. Talk of killing, thousands of leos are killed for safety reasons and of course their skins.
Anyway so baboons chase leopard now till Leo finds a safe tree. It’s nighttime again so back in action. This time the prey is a big ass hare, only the cub don’t share but he don’t care. Mother decides to go for another kill and a hyena follows coz they know Leo’s are on the money, too bad the stalking hyena screwed it up. Over to the cub… he investigates the porcupine not knowing those pines could fwack him up! Over to mom again, she’s trying a new technique, undiscovered by us humans till now, Leo stamps her feet and gets all loud to confuse the prey. Can’t remember how it went but it worked. So prey gets out of its body, Leo puts it in her body, everyBODY is happy!
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