By studying the character of others, one can become alert to ways in which he can improve his own nature. To study character in a negative way, however, is not right, and has a devastating effect. Everyone shuns a “character detective,” who exposes others’ faults. Many people who enjoy criticizing cannot themselves stand criticism, and may even have the same flaws they so righteously deplore in another.
Character study is important primarily in this respect: one needs constantly to take note of virtues in others and to implant those good traits in himself. I study character when I choose people with whom to work. But I have an entirely different standpoint for choosing.
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Sometimes I let a person what I know is “bad” be with me, in the hope that he will change. If he responds to my spiritual thought for his welfare he becomes better; and if he doesn’t, well, I take that chance. I am like a medical doctor who risks exposure to a disease in order to help a patient. All doctors have to take that chance because their desire is to serve. So it is with a spiritual doctor; he undertakes to judge others and show them their defects in order to help them improve.
Jesus said: “Judge not, that ye be not judged.”* [Matthew 7:1] He condemned that criticism of others which is done solely out of desire to hurt. Such behavior is unkind and spoils friendship. Criticism has no use whatsoever unless it is given with sincere love, and only when wanted. It should be offered with a loving desire to help the other person. Those who have learned self-control have the right to help others. From that point of view character study is worthwhile.