
All the Rules: Time-tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider

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I wont give out too much of the ladies secrets but the rules are for women who want to ‘snag’ themselves a husband (I personally think this link will show you a much better way to get and keep a good man – opens in new window). I personally think they’d work as long as dude don’t know your game, at the same time I think its being fake but the best moms and wives know the game. Also since there was a time I was shy guy, ladies… not all men will always be the ‘predators’ lol. D.D. gets props encore.

The Rules
– Be a “Creature Unlike Any Other”

– Don’t Talk to a Man First (and Don’t Ask Him to Dance)

– Don’t Stare at Men or Talk Too Much

– Don’t Meet Him Halfway or Go Dutch on a Date

– Don’t Call Him and Rarely Return His Calls

– Always End Phone Calls First

– Don’t Accept a Saturday Night Date after Wednesday

– Fill Up Your Time before the Date

– How to Act on Dates 1, 2, and 3

– How to Act on Dates 4 through Commitment Time

– Always End the Date First

– Stop Dating Him if He Doesn’t Buy You a Romantic Gift for Your Birthday or Valentine’s Day

– Don’t See Him More than Once or Twice a Week

– No More than Casual Kissing on the First Date

– Don’t Rush into Sex and Other Rules for Intimacy

– Don’t Tell Him What to Do


– Let Him Take the Lead

– Don’t Expect a Man to Change or Try to Change Him

– Don’t Open Up Too Fast

– Be Honest but Mysterious

– Accentuate the Positive and Other Rules for Personal Ads

– Don’t Live with a Man (or Leave Your Things in His Apartment)

– Don’t Date a Married Man

– Slowly Involve Him in Your Family and Other Rules for Women with Children

– Practice, Practice, Practice! (or, Getting Good at The Rules)

– Even if You’re Engaged or Married, You Still Need The Rules

– Do The Rules, Even when Your Friends and Parents Think It’s Nuts

– Be Smart and Other Rules for Dating in High School

– Take Care of Yourself and Other Rules for Dating in College

– Next! and Other Rules for Dealing with Rejection

– Don’t Discuss The Rules with Your Therapist

– Don’t Break The Rules

– Do The Rules and You’ll Live Happily Ever After!

– Love Only Those Who Love You

– Be Easy to Live With

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