
Leave No Trace Doof/Bush Rave/Festival Guide and Etiquette by Callum Parallax

With the scale of the NYE parties and a lot of newcomers, I wanted to write up a lil thing about what Leave No Trace actually is and apply it’s 7 principles to doofing. I’ll try keep it brief as there’s a lot but please have a read xxx

TL;DR: just read it, takes 5 mins ez


– Check the weather forecast = need rain gear/shade/extra clothes?

– Cold at night even in summer = jumpers etc.

– Screenshot setlists = dope set and wanna know the DJ? Wanna know when the hitech will stop? Done.

– Food = you needa eat. Get Zambies on the way, burrito for Sunday funday breaky. Pasta salad/noodles/fruit ez meals too.

WATER = super important. Bring more than you think you’ll need. DON’T buy one time use plastic bottle packs, buy a large water container and refill a smaller bottle as you go.

Baby wipes/socks/dust mask/torch/insect spray/sunscreen/fingerless gloves/bin bags etc all super useful.

– Fuel = fill up before you leave or on the way.



– Dirt roads = sketch af. Drive slow, corners creep up fast.

– Summer = dust, keep your distance and if someone wants to overtake, let them.

– Winter = mud, don’t hoon around fuckin the roads up for the rest of us. If you gotta 4by please help others that get bogged.

– Small cars please let bigger cars overtake.

– Camp away from dfloor, we all love bass but not when we’re trynna sleep. Camp to the left or right of the speakers, or really far back. Behind the rig is usually reserved for crew so plz don’t camp there. Don’t camp in a valley either = mud.

– Use the tracks/roads = don’t go joyriding through the bush destroying the vegetation.

– Trees = good for shade so try camp where you’ll get morning or arvo shade. But please LOOK UP and check for dead branches etc, falling logs hurt!


– It ain’t that hard to shit in a hole, get over it. Bring a trowel, dig a hole, do ya business and bury your TP. Cover up the hole with a stick so someone doesn’t re-dig it. Simple.

– Pick up and take home ALL your trash, everything. Bottle caps/nangs/ciggy butts. Everything.

– Avoid bringing glass.

– Don’t leave your bottles etc on the rig.


– Don’t carve into trees, don’t hammer nails in for tarps, don’t snap off branches for firewood etc.

– Refrain from building shelters etc or at least deconstruct them after doof.

– Don’t fuck up grass trees/ant nests/wildflowers etc.


– Fire ban = NO FIRES

– BYO wood if you can.

– Clear at least a 1m circle around the fire so it doesn’t spread, try to dig a bit of a hole/fire ring with rocks.

– If camping near other doofers, have a communal fire between your camps instead of 2 or 3 small ones all near each other. (Have met awesome friends doing this and someone is always around to keep the fire going/safe!).

– Have a bucket of water ready in case fire spreads, don’t leave fire unattended.

– You don’t need a massive bonfire, burn only what you need and keep it reasonable.


– Put out fire = burn wood to ash, crush and spread out coals then pour water over it all.


– Don’t see much out there but if you do, leave it alone.

– Watch out for ticks/bees/bull ants.


– Don’t be a cunt. Simple.

– Renegade stage = far away from others. I’m trynna sleep not listen to techNO…

– Your mates = your responsibility. Don’t let them get too rowdy and call them out on their shitty behaviour or else we will. If they fuck up you will be expected to take them home.

– Don’t smirk at or judge others. Allow people the freedom to express themselves, and in turn, express yourself! It’s a doof ffs, drop the branded clubbing clothes and rock out a poncho!


– CONSENT = naked/revealing clothing, funky dancing etc is not an invitation to touch/perv/chat up etc. We won’t hesitate to knock you tf out and tie you to a tree if you fuck around. People are there to dance and have fun, not to deal with sleazy people. If you see shitty behaviour call it out or notify crew. If you’re not sure of the situation just give a thumbs up and see if they’re alright/comfortable.

– Leave your drama at home, avoid people you don’t like or sort it out. Don’t go causing a scene that we then have to deal with.

– KNOW YOUR LIMITS = don’t go full psychonaut and deep fry yourself. Yes, we will look after you because it’s our responsibility as crew but no one wants to spend their whole night reminding someone they’re not actually a glass of orange juice… If you’re gonna take drugs do it responsibly and pace yourself. Remember you can never take less.

– Help clean dfloor up, help other doofers out when needed etc. (gazebos are a mission when scattered..)

– Don’t climb the stage/rig/invite yourself into the DJ booth.

– Bring extra fruit/water/juice etc for Sunday funday communal morning dfloor feeds.

– HAVE FUN = your enjoyment of the doof will spread to others and together create a positive atmosphere for everyone.

Aight that’s it for now. Other crews feel free to use just credit me plz. I hope everyone has a wicked and safe NYE and see you in the dirt sometime 🥳💖😁

Bonus: The Birth of Doof (expanded version)

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