
Life In The Tudor Age – All Episodes and Reader’s Digest Book Review

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Readerā€™s Digest published severs Journey Into The Past books, here we see Europe in the 16th century. It includes so muchā€¦ Conditions of life, struggles for life coz of the plague, families, houses, household habits, clothes, cosmetics, courts, merchants, adventures, festivals, games, theatre, life on the streets, country, road, village and farm, religion in the age of anxiety, spells, magic, science and ART. They were even good enough to give us a time chart of events occurring through the century about war, art and other news.

Once again I wanna share it all with you but Iā€™ll stick to the main bits that caught my attention. This was the age when they begun recording marriage, births and deaths. The age of witch hunts. The age where folks broke away from the Catholic way and Protestants formed. They believed in the funniest of superstitions and alchemy. BUT if it was not for Alchemy there would be no Chemistry. Now wicked is that. Oh and art was a big big thing back then, art and reading. I better stop.

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