
Environment Shapes Our Desires by Paramhansa Yoganand

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Paramhansa Yogananda

Desires are formed according to oneโ€™s environment; they are created by, and therefore limited by, your sense perceptions. Attending a country fair satisfies a desire for a little excitement; but after you have been to a world fair and viewed all the different exhibits, a small fair no longer holds any attraction. This illustrates the importance of having communion with God now, for the comparison with inferior earthly joys; then your desires will be of a much higher and more advanced nature. The desire to be one with God is the greatest of all. When you are through with any lesser desire, you soon pick up another, but when you have God, all other desires are satisfied completely. โ€œSeek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.โ€* [Matthew 6:33] Why not fulfill first this highest desire? For when He answers your prayer to know Him, all other desires will be instantly fulfilled throughout eternity.

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Perhaps you fell that you have no desires. Well, I have often noticed what happens when people go shopping. They may have no particular desire to buy, but suddenly something catches their eye and they think, โ€œI must have it!โ€ Day and night that object is on their mind, and finally they buy it, even if they have to borrow the money. Then, after having it for a while, their happiness in it grows stale, and they want something else. We meet people who say, โ€œIf only I could have a thousand dollars (or a car, or a swimming pool),โ€ and when that wish is satisfied, they yearn for something different. Human desires are not perfect, hence their fulfillment does not lead to perfect happiness.

The world environment will try to prevent you from remembering that the only worthwhile desire is to have God. But every day you should remind yourself of this. And when you have made up your mind not to smoke, or eat unwisely, or lie or cheat, be firm in these good desires; donโ€™t weaken. Wrong environment saps your will and invites wrong desires. Live with thieves and you think that is the only life. But live with divine persons, and after having divine communion, no other desires can tempt you. All become stale. Therefore even a few moments of deep meditation, or the company of a saint, will be a raft of inspiration to carry you across this ocean of delusion to the shores of God.

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