Elusive Obvious, The or Basic Feldenkrais by Moshe Feldenkrais:
So scientific it gets dull. I kept at it coz every now and then you’ll get a gem of info or some diamond knowledge. Especially the Awareness Through Movement chapter. The diagrams help too. The system is there to give you a greater functional awareness. One of his exercises was how we sit on the floor and how we can just take less than a second to get up if we did it right. Awareness and movement are the main media of learning in this case. Apparently its helped lot of people improve their movement/well-being/personal development, reduced pain, better functioning in cases of stroke and cerebral palsy. Most of the teachings are to help the body relearn… um… maximised/minimised action/movement. I picked it coz I thought I’d have something I love doing… appreciating the neglected. Oh well… big up D.D for the recommendation.
Update: Just found out that there is another book with the same title on non-verbal communication by Michael Grinder and I think David DeAngelo meant that book :oS
Learn Your Movement Basics !
Stand up without effort- a Feldenkrais movement