
Noongar Culture Talk by Marissa Verma from Bindi Bindi Dreaming at Duncraig Edible Garden

Notes are very basic there was a lot more info which you can find online or at Bindi Bindi Dreaming. I’m still learning about what country means and the lingo so please feel free to comment on corrections.

– Aboriginal folks don’t eat the same thing all year round. They have 6 seasons and are 90% veg only having Kangaroo sauce around June/July.
– Marissa talked about the different ways to wear kangaroo skin and applying oil on specific places for health and cooling.
– How they did not get ill because they eat mostly raw, no rice flour etc

Walks us around the bush
– Peppermint – oil medicinal. Story – smoking ceremony, pile on fire and hang the children upside down but not to cook them. Similar to a few tribal practices of smoking the environment or smoke ‘baths’.
– One sided Bottle brush – good for sweet honey drink – http://sercul.org.au/bushtucker/BushTuckerFactSheet_One-sidedBottlebrush.pdf
– Wattle trees use for house frame.
– Banksia candle – has sweet buds just to chew on. When they’re yellow soak in water and have a drink.
– Yellow butter cup – have the petals. Most of all this is to get the moisture and keep hydrated.
– Xanthorrhoea/Balga – the middle/heart is nice like celery, different stuff for different things like thatching, when they first start to flower it tells you you’re in the north, can be used to make fires with coal, they used to burn it to get the resin for tools and construction.
– Nut inside (Quandong) rudraksha looking thing has higher Vitamin C than orange, bitter to kick start immune system.
Plants and people in mooro country – Get the free book here!
Outback pride products – click here.
– Talks about spirits talking to you through the animals and nature connections with them.

So there was a lot more info but I was busy enjoying the white butterflies, taking pictures and videos which can be found on the Duncraig Edible Garden facebook page if I haven’t posted them below.

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Aboriginal Bush Tucker Talk by Noongar Elder Dale Tilbrook
Noongar 6 Seasons and Bush Knowledge by Marissa Verma of Bindi Bindi Dreaming

noongar culture Bush tucker Talk by @Marissa Verma from Bindi Bindi Dreaming at Duncraig Edible Garden – Click here for…

Posted by Duncraig Edible Garden on Tuesday, 1 March 2016

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