Disclaimer for the precious unicorns getting triggered and outraged: Please note that I am not saying this form (out of Shiva’s thousands of forms) is a devil because I think both images are only symbolic. If you find it too much to handle please see my other posts on Lord Shiva/Shiva Consciousness/Shivratri/Etc. I just found these similarities and wanted to know if anyone had any leads.
Update: Look up Shiva cutting head of Daksha and replacing it with goat
From Xc4

This video makes sense as much as Jesus being a necromancer who bought himself back to life. Anyway still one should educate, at the core of sanatana is to seek and guide to reach the divine:
1. Shiva’s trident [Sathvik , rajas and tamas] . These are 3 behaviors [pious, kingly and dark] to say he is above all 3.
2. Fountain on his head (ganga), healing waters of heaven. The flow of ganga to earth was so rapid that it could have flooded everything to avoid that he caught her in his head and let out a small fountain.
3. Moon on his head, moon represents the mind. SHiva controls the moon symbolizing that for a disciple he will help keep his mind from wavering.
4. His hand position is a blessing hand position.
6. Snake represents the kundalini (spiritual power within all creatures which helps one ascend beyond life and death) . In a story he drank the most deadly poison, the vapors of which even were killing gods and demons alike, to save the world he drank it and the snakes helped by drinking some of it. So he said for your kindness you will always be worshipped alongside me.
7. The “round” is linga. It denotes the formless divine.
8. Mix of him and his wife. Wife dontes shakti (power). He respects and loves her so much that he gave of of him to her and she gave half of her to him. its denotes union of power and spirit.
9. Nandi, his loyal bull always by side serving with all his devotion.
10. The third eye, in Sanatana, it is said that all human being have this in a dormant state and when it awakens it will burns all the sins away and opens up your perceptions to the divine.
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Bonus: The Shocking True History of Baphomet, the Sabbatic Goat