You Can’t Complain About Men at the Top without Addressing the Situation of Men at the Bottom Jordan Peterson
And we’re also not having a serious discussion about this. Yeah, men are overrepresented at the top of the economic apex. That’s true. It’s a small minority of men, by the way.
It’s certainly not men in general. But they’re radically overrepresented at the bottom, and, believe me, man: nobody cares about men who are failures. They are like off the bloody radar.
There’s no sympathy for men who are failures. So men stack up at the top and the bottom. We don’t have a discussion about that, and we don’t have a discussion about the fact that women are radically underrepresented in dangerous jobs, although they are—or in trades that require brutal physical labour, or in jobs outside.
So the complaint is always, “well, if you look at the top 1 per cent, there are more men than there should be, by pure sex division.” It’s like, “well, yeah. But if you look at the bottom, the reverse is true.” If we’re going to have the discussion—and I don’t necessarily think we should have that discussion—we should look across the entire economic spectrum.
#InternationalMensDay #TalkingAboutMen for Once #ItsOkToTalk #SaveTheMale
– Notice how quiet this cause was when it came to men’s issues. Nothing on TV, no sausage sizzles and what colour bras people wear. Apparently this day is not recognised by the UN but world toilet day is.
Why Can’t We Hate Men
– Have a heated argument with a co-worker and get back to being normal. Roughhouse and name call and still love each other. Women don’t understand the awesomeness of this camaraderie.
– Physically stronger, tougher, far more competitive, courageous and get more done.
– They are so mentally tough they dominate sports and do what it takes to dazzle with grit, speed and grace. Who watches women’s sports with the same interest and passion?
– Men age better and can still be sexy in his 70’s. Women are past sexual prime by 35. See link for more info on this – The Rational Male – Hypergamy: Micro to Macro – Rollo Tomassi (Bonus: 9 Rules & Red Pill Doc)
– Smart mens brains are so much more smarter. Noble prize winners and unfakeable categories have men on the top.
– Men have a genius for humour. Artists and musicians again.
– Men just do too bloody much work. Building houses, roads, bridges. Remember the office and classes where women use to condemn men were built by men. They make things women need and work far longer hours in much more dangerous conditions that women do. And they don’t even make a big hooha about it like women do all the time, no federal cases like women would have.
– If there was a war and men didn’t participate, women would blame them for not protecting them so there is expectation for men to die for women. Men would not ask women to die in their place, it would be intolerable to ask and women wouldn’t do it for men anyway. Women hate how awesome men are and take it out one men.
– Despite the names being called and the hate they get, they’re just bigger people and still love the women. Treat them well. Men are not marching, writing articles, wearing genitalia hats, creating whisper networks etc to destroy women. (Paras note: I didn’t even know about whisper networks… how devious).
– Men even support women and march for their causes while women don’t do as much for men. What kind of being helps someone to put them down knowing that they will not get the same support. (Paras note: I’ve said it so many times, I’ll share a cause for women and get all kinds of likes and shares and pats on the back, but I share something of mens causes and it’s just crickets which also includes all the scared men too afraid to do so in public.)
– Who wouldn’t feel vindictive and nasty.
Stefan Molyneux on Men Not Getting their Dues
– If women admit that they’re not worth economically as men they’ll have to say ‘thank you’. Thank you for creating most of it if not nearly all of it. Instead of me having to do the hard things, THANK YOU for doing it for me.
– Men created labour saving devices for women before they created life saving devices for men. THANK YOU MEN FOR THINKING OF US FIRST.
– If you don’t thank your wife for dinner then it’s a problem but it’s not a problem for women not to thank man for providing, risking his life and knowing that he’ll have to give his life first if needed. THANK YOU MEN for cleaning the toilet, clearing out dangerous animals and taking the rubbish out.
– If they have to thank it’s be more of an angry undertone. You didn’t make the car for us you made it to pick up more women. You created the air-conditioning to see us ‘perk up’. THANK YOU MEN for doing all this and still taking the blame and false accusations.
– Men give so much and receive complains, blame, hate and made to feel like a predator. Wonder why there is such a big MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) moment? Wonder why men are checking out?
– A little appreciation could have gone a long way. The government can only give women so much especially single mothers. Don’t be in a situation where you are going to run back to the man where his reply will be ‘sorry honey, a little too little, a lot too late’.
Stefan Molyneux – Do Not Give Any More Compassion Than You Are Given and why more men are going MGTOW
– Manufacturing jobs have collapsed. Men’s wages have collapsed.
– So the woken men will have real sympathy for the bleating women of self-victimisation when we see them really caring about what is happening to men and boys, not only in the education system but everywhere.
– What about the plight of boys heavily medicated for not being girls?
– What about the boys who don’t have role models (or the fathers kept away from their kids).
– What about women marching for men the way men have marched for women?
– When are women going to live in a vivid way about how compassionate and loving they’re really meant to be? Can’t they see the very tough time men and boys are having? Boys are spanked more, medicated more, punished, downgraded, hurt, abused… everything more than girls!
– When are women going to show all this supposedly natural to women sympathy, empathy, gratitude, openness, caring, warmth, concern, love and support.

Bonus: It’s not OK for moms to be man-haters
Bonus: When You Have a Good Man & Real Women from Mukund
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